CIAO formally opened 18 October 2018

The current equipment at CIAO to monitor the Aurora:

  • Cameras – real-time all-sky cameras, monitoring the aurora
  • Riometer field – listening to the Aurora, The riometer (relative ionospheric opacity meter) determines the radio-wave absorption in the ionosphere by measuring the received cosmic-noise power. Riometer responds to the diurnal variations in solar radiation, and measures the occurrence, intensity and time variations of ionospheric absorption caused by particle precipitation and X-ray illumination of the atmosphere
  • Magnetic meters – monitor the earth´s magnetic field variations
  • Lidar – measuring the distance to a target by illuminating the target with laser light and measuring the reflected light with a sensor.

Live feed from the All-sky Camera

For more photos please visit our Picture Gallery

camera domes1  rm8

China-Iceland Joint Arctic Observatory | Kárhóll | 4640415 | [email protected]

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