CIAO formally opened 18 October 2018

The CIAO (China-Iceland Arctic Observatory):

  • A Framework Agreement on Arctic Cooperation was signed by Yang Jiechi, former Foreign Minister of China and Össur Skarphéðinsson, former Foreign Minister of Iceland, in April 2012 during an official visit by the former Premier of China, Wen Jiabao, to Iceland.
  • A memorandum of understanding in the field of marine and polar science and technology between the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs and State Oceanic Administration was signed on the same occasion.
  • Agreement on Scientific Cooperation on China-Iceland Joint Aurora Observatory between Science Institute, University of Iceland and PRIC, August 2012
  • MoU on Chinese-Icelandic Research Cooperation on Arctic Issues between PRIC and RANNÍS, August 2012
  • Framework Agreement on China-Iceland Joint Aurora Observatory, between PRIC and Rannís, 2013 and renewed in 2018.
  • SOA delegation visited Iceland in 2011 during which discussion on potential research collaboration including on establishing a joint observatory took place.
  • Research icebreaker Xu Long came to Iceland in August 2012 and visited both Reykjavik and Akureyri.
  • PRIC leaders visited Kárhóll to explore the potential location for an observatory. Initial agreement was made that the location was acceptable for the Observatory and negotiation on the details of the collaboration where initiated.

China-Iceland Joint Arctic Observatory | Kárhóll | 4640415 | [email protected]

  • Rannís
  • PRIC
  • Arctic Portal

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