
International Symposium on Auroral Physics - ISAP
October 26, 2023
The International Symposium on Auroral Physics (ISAP), was very successfully held at the China Iceland Arctic Observatory (CIAO) at Karhóll in northern Iceland from 2-6 October 2023.
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ISAP Symposium - Early bird fee - Register now!
July 27, 2023
An early bird fee is now available for those who register before August 21st for the International Symposium on Auroral Physics (ISAP) - Register here!
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The ISAP Symposium 2-7 October 2023.
June 2, 2023
The ISAP Symposium will be held 2-7 October at the CIAO observatory. Registration is open! The theme of the conference is the auroras. Meeting organizers are CIAO, Arctic, Aurora Obeservatory (AO) and the Science Institute of the University of Iceland.
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During the momentous inauguration of the Arctic Observatory in October 2018, an impactful introductory video was showcased.
This captivating video, which can be accessed by clicking on the accompanying photo, serves as an enlightening introduction to the project's development and highlights the remarkable construction process of the research building. It provides a comprehensive overview, offering viewers a glimpse into the visionary journey that brought the observatory to fruition.
The CIAO Observatory, situated at Kárhóll in the captivating northern region of Iceland, is conveniently located near the municipality of Laugar and is only a scenic 45-minute drive away from the town of Akureyri.
For a more detailed visual representation of the observatory's location, you can click on the accompanying map to enlarge and explore the area further and get more information on the observatory.