CIAO formally opened 18 October 2018

The Arctic Observatory is a scientific cooperation between Icelandic and Chinese research institutions. The aim of this cooperation is to further the scientific understanding on solar-terrestrial interaction and space weather by conducting polar upper atmosphere observations, such as auroras, geomagnetic field variations and other related phenomena, and outreach to the public.

The states have already signed an Agreement, the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) on behalf of Iceland and Polar Research Insitute of China on behalf of Chinese scientists. RANNIS coordinates and promotes Icelandic participation in collaborative international projects in science and technology. PRIC conducts comprehensive studies and outreach, operates scientific and logistic infrastructures and promotes international cooperation in the polar regions.

It is expected that Chinese scientists and other international visiting scientists will be doing research at the observatory and staying at the research centre for some period at time. The joint centre for Arctic science observations will undoubtedly strengthen the already existing aurora observations done in Iceland and internationally. It will add to research in some areas such as in the field of spectrum analysis. The partnership with Chinese scientists is open for the possibility of cooperation in other fields of Arctic science, particularly within natural sciences, such as biology, and within the field of climate research.

RANNIS will coordinate Icelandic scientific participation and PRIC will coordinate Chinese scientific participation. All observation data will be made available and open to international scientific community.

Research partners:

Iceland: The Icelandic Centre for Research, Science Institute of the Universitry of Iceland, the Icelandic Meteorological Office, The University of Akureyri, the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, Húsavík Academic Center, Arctic Portal.

China: Polar Research Institute of China, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS; China Research Institute of Radio Wave Propagation; National Center for Space Weather; Institute of Space Physics and Applied Technology, Peking University; School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University; School of Earth and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China; School of Space Science and Physics, Shandong University.

China-Iceland Joint Arctic Observatory | Kárhóll | 4640415 | [email protected]

  • Rannís
  • PRIC
  • Arctic Portal

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